my conversation . is it ok to be gay or homosexual. we took the Nissan and we went to a firing range. in the short time i was passed a pump action shot gun and well i thought he was really going to do  it.

so should i notice that i was not 17 and i purchased a bottle of Vodka and in a car and i drove home and parked up and i was on my way to give it away .

and i got robbed .. Possibly from the worker at the drive through .. He new to hold it against the man for selling me alcohol so he may attack him looking like the person who just bought it and trying to wind him up.

well i got the product back for your shop now give me my money back ..

he did the same thing already..

the cadet team leader could do that as well ..

i'm taking you to a justice of the Peace near the location near the road to kholo  ..

school was very difficult men turned up and suggesting we never paid for our school uniforms or food . How could they do the same thing .

They could not go to football or golf or army cadets anymore or rugby or The Scouts or Boys Brigade or have very much to do .

So when i noticed the kid was allowed to watch the tv I saw and opportunity to ask for money .

You must have a tv license or i will inform on you.

the new downstairs area was built at the cadet team leaders house .

what happened to you last night Sorry i'm not sure . i had this for your Father ..

a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka ..

he never knew i was bringing this over to him.

should i expect the lottery tickets to be of no charge . i purchased 80 lines and i got it for free .

Australian Gold lottery is awesome. Its free of charge.

I could allow it if it was anything that was a brand new idea.


If a child is caught shop lifting is it still an offence to notified to the police station. Or should the shop keeper take the law into his or her own hands and ask the child to get into a car with them .. I will take you Home.

i had three people in one house that all answered to my fathers name . Yet each person spoke to them like they were my father . 

Lets watch him go and try to drink the gift ...


When children start to spend their cash we pay in English money so they think their on a foreign land.